Colombia Finca La Esperanza

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

Finca la Esperanza is located in Acevedo Huila, the second municipality with the largest coffee production in Colombia, farm located in vereda La Carbona at 1400 meters above sea level, the plantation is a blend of Castillo and Colombia, and it has 19 hectares but only 5 of them planted with coffee, on a beautiful hill. Anselmo Moreno, is a 69 years old coffee producer of this farm, a very respectful person and a coffee lover, a second generation of coffee producer, he left his profession as a dentist to dedicate time to his farm. In the beginning he was selling the fruit to other producers who had wet mills, after we met for first time Don Anselmo was motivated and bought his pulper and began to process his coffee, in his first year drying it in nylon on the ground, then he build a more formal dryer with suspended beds. Don Anselmo has 5 children and the fourth Lorena Moreno is the one who together with her father have worked hard so that Finca La Esperanza is a profitable producing farm and producer of excellent coffees, together they worked to improve the wet mill and that the process can be more efficient, Lorena in the past worked as a coffee instructor for the Sena institution and worked with a lot of small farmers on many coffee projects, now she is no longer with the Sena but continues to support young people to get more involved in the world of coffee and her most recent project that is about to start with other producers from Acevedo is create the space to teach young people and children of the coffee producers the skill of cupping coffees. This coffee is also one of the coffees that was stopped being bought due to the pandemic, but both for us and for Don Anselmo it was a great joy to be able to resume the relationship hoping to continue it for many more years.