About this Coffee
Kamwangi AB begins with a sparkling acidity of Blood Orange with the sweetness of Praline and a Simple Syrup texture. The rich caramelized flavors offer beautiful surprises that allow for an easy, slow-sipping experience to savor up until the last drop.
The Kamwangi Factory is based in the Kirinyaga region of Kenya. It is from this region that we have sourced many of our Kenyan offerings in the past, and it continues to shine in quality and consistency.
The factory collects cherry from local smallholder farmers and receives pay upon delivery. Once cherries are sorted at the station, fruit is removed by a disk depulper. This coffee undergoes a typical ‘Kenyan washed’ process where coffee is washed twice. The coffee is fermented for 24-hours and is then soaked, bringing the total process time for each lot to about 72 hours. The coffee is laid out evenly to dry on raised beds. The total drying time can vary from 7-15 days depending on the climate and lot size.
The factory sorts and grades their lots according to bean size. After drying, the coffee is sifted through a series of metal screens to determine their size. A coffee that stops falling after either screen 16 or 15 is given the grade AB. Consistency in bean size makes for an easier roast Other grades in Kenyan processing include AA which is the largest at a screen size of 17/18 and PB which usually has a screen size of 16.