About this Coffee
Robust notes of Red Plum remind us of the deep jammy-like flavors that natural coffees offer. As you savor each sip, the aromas of delicate steeping black tea wake you up with tangerine acidity, ensuring a perfectly balanced and refreshing cup.
The Dumerso Washing Station receives cherries from local smallholder farmers, situated in the Dumerso kebele. As most washing stations in Ethiopia, smallholders sell their cherries to the washing station and receive payment that day. In Dumerso, coffee production makes up more than 90% of a family’s total income. It is imperative that these farmers receive fair pay for their cherries.
In order for the washing station to pay fair prices, they must ensure cherries are processed well and checked for quality. The quality of the coffee is determined by the amount of faults or defects that are present in the lot. Lots that are free of defects are Grade 1, such as this coffee, and become more valuable on the market. We seek out these Grade 1 coffees in maintaining our farmlevel initiative, and the reward comes through in each cup.
Dumerso is central in the kebele and our team has enjoyed many visits to the station over the years. We were able to observe coffees at the station undergoing both washing and natural processes. For the natural process, the cherries are inspected and laid out on raised beds. Underripe cherries are sorted out and can be spotted by their green skin. The drying cherries are raked frequently to ensure even drying which can take 14 to 21 days.
The result of careful drying methods keeps the cup quality consistent. The intrinsic stonefruit qualities of the cherry shines through in your cup.