Sweet Mary Raine

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

Our flagship filter roast blend is named after Mary Raine who was an Astute entrepreneur and Philanthropist, and owned Royal Hotel and Wentworth Hotel both located on Raine Square store. Sweet Mary Raine blend expresses our Love for everyday delicious coffee.

Country: Ethiopia
Region: foothills of Rego Mountain
Altitude: 1900 – 2200 MASL
Varietal: Kurume, 74112 & 741665
Process: Washed Process

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Yirgacheffe
Altitude: 1980 – 2200 MASL
Varietal: Kurume, Wolisho & Dega
Process: Natural Process

Rich marmalade, creamy lemon, floral Bergamot & mixed berries with increasing complexity on the cool.

It’s best for Filtered Coffee (V60, Kalita, Chemex, Areopress or French Press)