About this Coffee
Ouro Verde Farm is located in Chapada Diamantina, in Piatã, Bahia. It is the highest city in Northeast Brazil, sitting at around 1200 masl. The high elevation makes for the slow ripening of the Catuai Varieties grown on the farm, and the attention to detail when pulping and drying the coffee makes for excellent shelf life. We’re always impressed with the ever-improving quality shown over the eight years of direct trade with the Rigno family. Their tireless dedication will be on show once again with this release. It’s evident that no corners have been cut when picking or processing this Red and Yellow Catuai. We’ve noticed enhanced layers of complexity in this particular lot, with a buttery texture well suited to espresso brewing.
The foundation of the Seven Seeds sourcing model is to form lasting purchasing relationships with like-minded producers looking to improve quality each year. This purchasing approach helps bring an added level of stability for both parties and flourish in their respective markets. Behind the scenes, we often push to establish more of these relationships and are always thrilled to bring our customers the fruits of this labour. Ouro Verde could be one of our greatest examples of the positive results this kind of commitment can yield.