Colombia Los Guacharos

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

Ruby is proud to partner with environmentally conscious producers, and Grupo Asociativo Asoguacharos from Bruselas in Huila, Colombia is our latest environment focused partnership. Los Guacharos are an association made up of many small farmers who all work together to achieve a common goal — producing amazing coffee while developing an eco-friendly independence.

The association has built an amazing system for generating community stock of organic fertilizers based on molasses, cow manure, bone ash, rice husk, organic micro-nutrients to which native fungi and bacteria are added. The group has nearly transitioned away entirely from chemical fertilizers, and doesn’t use any pesticides or herbicides.

The coffee is also only washed once during fermentation, leaving residual pulp on the seed and contributing not only to extended sweetness in the cup, but also to less waste water that needs to be processed. Runoff from fermentation and washing is filtered through channels that have contaminant absorbing flower roots which allows the filtered water to be collected for farm use later.

This is our sixth year being able to offer Los Guacharos in our lineup, and we’re excited to build commitment to Los Guacharos in the way that Los Guacharos is committed to constantly improving their quality and environmental efforts.