About this Coffee
This coffee comes from the Yirgacheffe region in Gedeo County, an area with rich fertile soils, renowned for growing exceptional coffee that it was sub-divided into its own micro-region.
Coffees from this lot were produced by smallholder farmer living around the Aricha kebele (town). Most farmers own less than a hectare of land, growing coffee alongside other crops such as sweet potato, mangoes and avocadoes.
Primrose, the exporters of this coffee, works with the Aricha washing station to control quality. As most farms have minimal chemical fertiliser input, most coffee grown here are 100% organic, although not certified. Primrose employs agricultural officers who work with producers to share sustainable practices, ensuring future fertility.
During harvest season, Primrose and the Aricha mill pay a premium above market rate, with farmers that bring quality red cherries paid a cash incentive. Coffee is selectively hand-picked before being delivered to the mill collection points, typically within 8km of producers’ homes.
Upon receipt, coffee is checked and sorted for unripe, overripe, or damaged cherries, before consolidation at the wet mill. Here, it is floated to remove floaters, and de-pulped to remove the outer skin. The coffee is then fermented in tanks for 48-72 hours to break down the mucilage. Once completed, the coffee is washed in washing channels, and laid on raised beds to dry.
After the coffee is dried, it is delivered to the dry mill in Addis Ababa, where it undergoes intense cleaning, removing stones or foreign matter. The parchment is then hulled and graded based on size and weight. A color sorter is also used to remove defective beans, followed by hand sorting, greatly enhancing the quality and consistency of the coffee.