Wilton Benitez

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

A world class coffee from renowned producer, Wilton Benitez. A tropical symphony with notes of blood orange, guava and a punchy passionfruit finish.

In 2015, Wilton acquired Granja El Paraíso-92 and embarked on the production of a diverse range of coffee varieties, including Java, Bourbon Pink, Geisha, Pacamara, Caturra, Tabi, Castillo, Supremo, and Colombia. Their approach is far from ordinary, employing highly innovative cultivation systems such as terraces, drip irrigation, shade and nutrition calculations, and a dedicated processing laboratory. The overarching goal? To deliver truly unique coffees.

To unravel the intricacies of modern processing, Wilton conducted extensive studies on fermentation technologies employed in the production of wine, beer, cheese, and meat. Armed with this knowledge, they began implementing controls for specific variables akin to those utilized in the aforementioned products. These metrics encompass sugar content, pH level, fermentation duration, and even the influence of different seasons.

Wilton attributes the distinctive flavor profile of their coffees to three main factors: the employment of a double fermentation method, the judicious use of microorganisms at each stage of the process, and the utilization of advanced technology for subjecting the beans to a thermal shock through a process of soaking in hot and subsequently cold water.

Another crucial facet of their operation lies in their meticulous approach to the drying process. Rather than relying on natural sun drying, they have implemented a controlled drying method, employing specialized equipment. This allows them to meticulously program and adjust temperature and drying speeds, ensuring the beans uniformly absorb the influences of the drying environment. By meticulously controlling these variables, they consistently deliver products of superior quality.

In essence, Wilton and their team spare no effort in their pursuit of exceptional coffee. Through their advanced techniques, employment of cutting-edge technology, and an unwavering commitment to perfection, they strive to create a coffee experience that transcends the ordinary.