Honduras, Walter Bautista

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

A mouthwatering Parainema varietal from one of our favorite producers, Water Bautista.

We’re so thankful to work with Walter Bautista again. This is the forth time we’ve offered his coffee. Walter is a very busy farmer growing all kinds of things, not just coffee. But the coffee he grows is excellent. So every year, we purchase Walter’s entire coffee harvest. This is Walter’s 2022 harvest—the culmination of another year of hard work and care. We hope you enjoy it and we hope you find just as much satisfaction as we do in honoring Walter’s work no matter which way you take your coffee.

Walter Bautista is a fourth-generation coffee farmer. It wasn’t until 2016 that Walter planted his own 2000 trees, though, beginning the career that has been handed down to him through the generations. His farm, Medalla Milagrosa, is located in Las Flores in the Santa Barbara region of Honduras, a rainy hillside area with rich mountain soil. The geography famously makes it difficult to execute one crucial aspect of coffee processing: drying. The rains, though, have created a special challenge to farmers and producers in the area, resulting in the investment in drying systems and the subsequent clear, fruity flavors that are unique to Santa Barbara coffees.