São Judas Tadeu





About this Coffee

Origin: Piatã, Brazil
Variety: yellow & red catuaí
Process: natural
Producer: Antônio and Terezinha Rigno
Relationship length: since 2015

Antônio Rigno is well-known and highly respected in his community for his farming expertise, his meticulous coffee production, and his generous support and mentorship of other farmers. His coffees have been placewinners in the Cup of Excellence competition on 11 separate occasions, most recently in 2022.

Antônio’s 35-hectare farm, São Judas Tadeu, sits outside the town of Piatã. Coffees from this area tend to be very floral, sweet and complex, and quite different to those produced elsewhere in Brazil. This is due to Piatã’s relatively high elevation and cool temperatures, which slow down the maturation of the coffee cherries, ultimately leading to an increased concentration of sugars in the bean.

Antônio and his team processed this lot using the natural method. The ripe cherries were picked, gently washed and then carefully sun-dried on patios. The result is an intensely sweet, clean and fruit-forward coffee in the cup.