Nkanda #7

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

Our Nkanda #7 was grown by 1253 smallholder farmers located in the Tangara commune of the Ngozi Province in northern Burundi. Coffee growers contribute their ripe coffee cherry to the Nkanda washing station owned by Pierre Nzeyimana. After the coffee cherry is collected, it is pulped and then undergoes a double fermentation process spending 12 to 18 hours in wet fermentation and 12 to 18 hours in dry fermentation. The coffee is then washed and laid out on raised beds to dry for 15 to 20 days until optimum moisture content is reached. This particular lot is 100% Red Bourbon variety, a coveted variety known for its well-balanced buttery sweetness and complex fruit notes. We tasted cranberry mojito, honeydew melon, blackberry jam, cucumber, and basil. It’s lovely!