Italian Roast





About this Coffee

For those seeking a penetrating, balanced roast with vigorous flavors. Masterfully slow roasted for boldly perfect cups.

Named for the dark roasting style common in southern Italy, this deep, demanding roast is truly an art to achieve. It challenges even our most experienced roaster craftsmen, relying on their sharp senses to develop the bold, broad flavor palette of the fullest-bodied, most flavorful beans from Latin America and the Pacific. Watching, listening, and smelling the beans throughout the long, slow process, our masterful roasters wait patiently for the brief moment when these premium beans reach dark roasted perfection.

The intensity of our Italian Roast demands beans that are strong enough to hold up, which is why we select only the best high-altitude coffees for their depth and density. The vigorous flavors and balanced, complex aromas make for a boldly perfect cup that’s poised between our signature Deep Roast and our French.