About this Coffee
A blend of two coffees from South America that are both decaffeinated using the water process of caffeine extraction, our Decaf Espresso has the balance and versatility to stand alone or be paired with milk.
The first coffee, from the Minas Gerais growing region of Brazil, is a mix of natural and pulped-natural lots that builds the blend’s foundation by imparting body, depth and flavors of fruit-toned chocolate. This coffee is grown by smallholder farmers associated with Cooperativa dos Cafeicultores do Cerrado (EXPOCACCER).
Paired with the Brazil is a fully washed coffee from the Popayán growing region of Colombia. This coffee retained its original flavor intensity through the decaffeination process and adds brightness and complexity to the espresso. We like the coffee so much that we decided to feature it as a single origin offering in the past!
While there are many variables that contribute to dialing in espresso, the parameters that have been yielding the best results in our lab is a 1:2.2 coffee to water ratio in 24-26 seconds.