Ethiopia Tega & Tula (Organic) Espresso
by Dukes Coffee
Tega & Tula is a legendary coffee farm located in and around the Kaffa Biosphere Reserve in south-western Ethiopia. Founded in the year 2000 by Ahadu Woubshet, former COO of the Ethiopia Coffee Exchange (ECX), Tega & Tula was originally a large commercial coffee farm selling bulk Limu coffee types for export. Ahadu saw the immense potential of the farm – surrounded by UNESCO protected natural forest and with a strong native ecosystem already present on the farm – over the proceeding two decades Ahadu has worked to convert Tega & Tula into one of the leading organic and sustainable coffee farms in Ethiopia.
Today, Tega & Tula spans 402 hectares with 9 sublots and almost a million coffee trees, all grown organically. This particular washed process lot is from the Gera sublot on the Tega side of the farm, growing heirloom variety 74-110 at 1786 masl.