About this Coffee
These coffees pair incredibly well together and bring a really bright and juicy flavour profile, making for the perfect summer espresso.
40% Panama | Rocky Mountain (Anaerobic Natural)
Rocosa Montaña translates directly as the Rocky Mountain and is located in Santa Clara, Panama. This coffee is processed by Allan Hartmann, a fantastic producer who we have developed a very exciting relationship with through our direct trade program since 2017.
For this lot we decided to experiment with fermentation methods that are usually reserved exclusively for Geisha’s in Panama. Fascinated by the effect that controlled fermentation has on flavour, we asked Allan to anaerobically ferment this Caturra with natural yeasts apparent in the air. After 8 days of stable fermentation, the cherries are then pulped and dried on raised African beds for a further 21 days. We have been blown away by the complexity found in this coffee.
60% Burundi | Codemu Co-op (Washed)
The Codemu co-op was founded in 2008 and is made up of 202 farming families from the Musema commune based in the Kayanza province. Ripe cherries are delivered to the mill at Musema where cherries are graded, sorted, de-pulped and then fermented underwater for 12-18 hours. The parchment is then moved to raised African beds and dried for 2-3 weeks.