Sare Ate

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

Coming to you straight from Koperasi Serba Usaha Sare Ate in beautiful Aceh Tengah Sumatra is this awesome new dark roast.  The koperasi is made up of 952 members.  Their goal is to collectively provide processing infrastructure, quality control, and marketing to help members improve their livelihoods.  They are Fairtrade Organic certified and promote organic agriculture among members.  The 952 members collectively farm over 11,222 hectares.  That’s a lot of coffee growing.  Since 2018 the cooperative has been exporting their coffees directly, giving them a bigger role in finding their coffees a home and improving the profits for their members.

This coffee was imported by our good friends at Sucafina who have been putting in the work out there in Indonesia recently.  Specialty coffee generally shuns coffee from the islands of Indonesia, with the complaint being that the coffees in Indonesia are simply not traceable or tasty enough to warrant the specialty coffee treatment.  They’re a throwback to the era of dark roasted anonymous brews that most speciality coffee roasters have strived to overcome.  However, Sucafina is working to change that perception, and they have put in place some awesome systems that improve traceability while also ensuring that farmers are paid more for quality and get their payments in a fast and more timely manner.  It’s not an easy job, but this coffee shows the work is paying off.