Ethiopia Suke Quto

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

This coffee comes to us from Tesfaye Bekele founder of the Suke Quto Farm and Washing station in the Guji region of Southern Ethiopia. Tesfaye comes from a long line of coffee producers, and he has been instrumental in supporting the growth of specialty coffee in this area of Ethiopia.


Before diving into coffee cultivation as a career, Tesfaye worked for the Natural Resource Management department in the Ethiopian Government revitalizing the ecosystem after widespread wildfires destroyed 5000 acres of land. After using a combination of native trees and coffee plants to revitalize the environment and seeing the positive impact coffee production could have on his community he left the Ethiopian government and opened Suke Quto.


Now Tesfaye produces coffee that shines a light on the vibrant nuance that coffees from the Guji region are beloved for. It hits you upfront with sweet and creamy stone fruit, reminiscent of peach ring gummies, and evolves into fresh kiwi with bright and balanced acidity. As it finishes, this light-bodied coffee leaves the fragrance of orange blossom on the senses. If you love clean coffee from Ethiopia or favor the lighter specialty flavor profile, this coffee is for you!