Kerehaklu Estate – Robusta

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

We’re back this year with our Robusta coffee sourced from Kerehaklu Estate! This marks the second time that the estate has focused on processing specialty-grade Robusta. Growing this harvest is an example of the estate’s push towards sustainable farming, with the use of just rain water instead of normal irrigation techniques.

To process this lot, the folks at Kerehaklu used an anaerobic, double float process where the cherries were left in ceramic vats overnight for a considerably shorter fermentation time as compared to Arabica. They’ve dubbed this process ‘Halley Huli’ which translates to ‘old tiger’, a Kannada phrase, usually given to an elderly person — similar to the anaerobic fermentation process used here, which has been carried on for decades. For this lot, they used CxR, a cross between Congensis (a variety from Congo) with Robusta, resulting in a variety known as CxR. Coffee Congensis grows in areas with extremely healthy iron-rich soil, is closely related to both Arabica and Robusta, and is known to improve the cup quality when crossed with Robusta.

This delicious coffee was grown under denser than usual shade and at an unusually high altitude for Robusta. It has a heavy body and a buttery mouthfeel that is perfectly finished off with an aftertaste of bittersweet chocolate. With its beautiful aromas of roasted nuts and cacao nibs, this coffee can be taken black or with milk, our roasters recommend brewing this as an Espresso, in the Moka Pot, French Press or South Indian Filter.