Purple Rain Blend

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

Prince was a genius and his ‘Purple Rain’ is a classic. He played it at almost every show and was the last song he played live, just 6 days before he sadly left us. It’s believed this song title represented the freedom felt from a new beginning.

Purple Rain is our most lightly roasted blend including coffees from Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala and is best suited to be consumed without milk.

This blend is superb as a filter style brew and simply wonderful as a bright and fruity espresso.

A balanced cup with boozy tropical notes, soft florals, peach and plum. Winey yet tart green grape acidity with a smooth texture that carries through to a sweet toffee finish.

Try this blend with your Aeropress. It’s simply brilliant.

Brazil Ipanema Natural 50%
Colombia Organic Excelso 35%
Guatemala SHB Antigua 15%

Aeropress Recipe:

Dose 14 grams
200gm Water at 93 degrees C
Time 2 minutes