Haru Suke

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

SGD 21
Yirgacheffe lies in the southern part of Ethiopia, situated in the Gedeo zone within the Southern Nations region. The region’s renowned washed coffees have contributed to its distinction as an individual micro-region. The landscape is characterized by hills, lush greenery, and fertility, where coffee thrives at altitudes exceeding 2,000 meters.

The coffee cherries are selectively hand-picked and taken to collection points near the producers’ homes, typically within a 5-kilometer radius. Special attention is given to removing overripe, underripe, or damaged beans during delivery, before consolidating them with other lots for transportation to the wet mill.

Once a day, the collected coffee cherries are transported to the mill. Here, they undergo sorting, floating, depulping, and are placed in a concrete tank for fermentation lasting 66 to 72 hours. After this phase, they’re fully washed, graded through channels, and then placed on raised beds to dry. They’re periodically turned over the course of several weeks until their moisture level reaches 12% as measured by a moisture meter.

The resulting coffee has a prominent orange blossom floral, vibrant bergamot acidity following a delicate peach flavor and earl grey tea finish.

Process: Fully Washed
Varietal: Local Landraces & JARC 74 selections
Origin: Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Tasting Notes: Orange Blossom, Peach, Bergamot

Suitable for filter
Available only in 200 grams

Recommended to rest beans for 7-10 days from roast date before consuming