About this Coffee
Originally developed as a decaffeinated espresso offering at our cafes, Decaf Eye of the Tiger is a seasonally evolving espresso blend that features in-season coffees.
We think of it as a delicious espresso that just happens to be free of caffeine.
This iteration of Decaf Eye of the Tiger Espresso is built around a coffee from Brazil produced by members of Cooperativa dos Cafeicultores do Cerrado (EXPOCACCER) in the Minas Gerais growing region. The coffee is a mix of of natural and pulped-natural lots that acts as the blend’s foundation by imparting body, depth and flavors of nut-toned chocolate.
We then added a coffee from the Muramba Washing Station, located in the Kirundo region of northern Burundi. Muramba is owned and operated by Angèle Ciza, a Burundian woman who has worked in the coffee industry for 25 years! This coffee is the result of a program called the Rotheca Project, which is a collaboration between Angèle’s company, Kalico, Phyllis Johnson of BD Imports, and RGC Importers. The initiative was organized to support women-producers, who own or manage 80% of Kailco’s partner farms. Decaf Burundi Muramba demonstrates the quality of coffee Burundi has to offer, and contributes more nuanced flavors of fruit and spices to the espresso.
While there are many variables that contribute to dialing in espresso, here are the parameters that have been yielding the best results in our lab:
1:2.05 coffee to water ratio in 27 seconds.
As a certified B Corporation, we are a leader in sustainable practices that impact people and the planet. This third-party certification requires us to demonstrate transparency and accountability throughout our supply chain and quantify the impact our business creates for our employees, the community, and the environment. We are proud to be part of this community working together toward one unifying goal: using business as a force for good.