Tesouro Medium Roast

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

The Nobletree Tesouro blend contains 100% Arabica beans from our Santa Izabel Farm in Brazil and coffee beans from other Guatemalan farms. Coffee cherries are grown until perfectly ripe, harvested, and shipped to our state-of-the-art roasting facility in Red Hook, Brooklyn, New York. Here we use rebuilt Probat roasters to roast to perfection. The Tesouro blend is Rainforest Alliance, and Fair Trade USA certified.

This blend highlights rich, complex flavors with tasting notes of malt, black tea, and plum. The Nobletree Tesouro blend is an excellent pair with medium cheeses like cheddar or gruyere and pastries such as beignets. Each Tesouro medium roast coffee bag is hand-packed with care to deliver an exceptional coffee experience.