Defiance Dark Roast

Tasting Notes





About this Coffee

The Nobletree Defiance Dark Roast is crafted from a mix of single-sourced, 100% Arabica beans from our privately-owned Fazenda Santa Izabel Farm in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The Defiance dark roast has notes of molasses, hazelnut, and caramel aromas that complement deep chocolate desserts, cheesecake, and strong cheeses.

Our Rainforest Certified Farms use sustainable agriculture to cultivate, harvest, and process coffee cherries, ensuring complete transparency and a traceable supply chain. Roasted in our state-of-the-art facility in Red Hook, Brooklyn, New York, we use antique, refurbished Probat roasters to produce a high-quality specialty coffee that is low in acidity and naturally caffeinated.